Sires & Dams
We have a strong belief that a bull should be a positive reflection of his mother. We quickly noticed MAV Cotton’s Blessing 221Z, not because she was the Supreme Champion Female at the 2013 Iowa State Fair. It was in 2015 when her fist set of ET calves from multiple bulls dominated Midwestern shows. In 2016, we found a son of hers stalled next to us at JNHE. He was balanced on paper (EPDs), sired by a proven bull…and reminded me of his mother. We purchased MAV Legacy 601D ET that summer. Our herd is predominantly free of About Time genetics, so he worked on virtually all our cows. Through his first two calf crops (spring & fall) we haven’t hauled a single Legacy calf to the sale barn, not one!
Other sires currently in use at PAW Livestock include: UPS Sensation 2296, H FHF Advance 628, ECR RO Rushmore, Boyd Blueprint, TKF KU Triple 7, Sundance Kid, BR Charles Hutton 6033, H H Perfect Timing, and DKF RO Cash Flow.
Our females have to be tolerant of toxic tall fescue, which means we don’t purchase bred females from outside the Fescue Belt. Calves can be successfully acclimated to the grass over time, so most new additions to the herd from outside sources arrive via calf purchases or frozen genetics gestated in a fescue-tolerant recip. Our cow base is a mix of total outcross King Ten genetics from the Alan Hartwig dispersal, some NJW Twenty Twelve, Sensations, Manhattan, Undisputed, Hometown, Cash Flow, Times A Wastin’, and several others. We don’t want all of our cows to look the same; bull buyers don’t all need the same bull. Unlike many of our competitors, when we plan an A.I. mating, we want to be just as excited about a bull calf as a heifer. We intend to build our bull market at the same pace as our competitive heifer and steer prospects.

VCR 711E Convoy 41H
Conventional Semen Available. $40/unit, Certificates $75
(Volume discounts available).
Gender Sorted Female semen available $150/unit
For orders less than 5 units, semen is also available at Cattle Visions and Gene Source.

MAV Legacy 601D ET
Conventional & Sexed Heifer Semen Available. Call for details.

PAW 601D Hello Darlin 925

BB 0245 Cash Diamond 1555
‘Diamond’ captured the IJBBA Hereford Show Heifer Award in 2017, a daughter of Cash Flow. She was also third in class at the JNHE behind the Division Champion & Reserve; she was undefeated in her division outside of that. She flushed extremely well to H FHF Advance 628 and bred right back to Legacy. Look for her progeny to multiply in our herd as well as be sale features moving forward.